Individual Therapy

Tired of feeling overwhelmed

Maybe you’ve been stuck hearing thoughts like these:

1. “Why is everything so hard now? I used to be able to do it all and always take on more. Am I becoming soft? Why can’t I power through like I used to? Maybe I should talk to someone…”

2. “Why do I keep having to be the one who has it all together? I’m so sick of hearing people say ‘You’re so strong’ – I don’t want to be strong anymore. I just want to be me…and maybe figuring out who that is now is the first step. I need some help.”

3. “I’m used to people having high standards for me, but do I actually want to live up to their standards? What if I want a big change? Will people be disappointed in me? Do I even care about this stuff anymore? Or am I just doing things because others think I should? Can’t they see I’m miserable?

What to expect in individual therapy?

Well, some of the typical tropes are true–there will be a box of tissues in case the emotions come out (which they likely will), and there are places to sit, though you definitely don’t have to lie down on a sofa. In fact, you can sit wherever you like. I might not join you on the floor, but if the vibe is right, you go right ahead.

Individual sessions are weekly one-on-one meetings between you and me that last 50 minutes. During that time, you can talk about anything (and I do mean ANYTHING) you want. Need to vent about family drama? I’ll hold space for that. Need to process something heavy? Sure! Want to tell me something about your sex life? I mean it when I say I’m here for whatever you need to discuss.

What does a typical session look like?

In the beginning, it might be more of me asking questions about you, your history, your family, and your current circumstances. Some people need time to get comfy speaking with a therapist before they can dive into the deep stuff (imagine that!). However, if you’re ready to jump right in, we can do that, too. I like to allow clients to let me know how they would like to proceed and we go from there.

Next, we establish what goals you want to accomplish in therapy. Some examples might be “I want to focus more on what makes me happy”, “I want to have more authentic interactions with people rather than worrying I’ll say or do the wrong thing”, or even “I want to stop using up all my energy at work and save it for the people I care about”.

What about after the goals are set?

With your goals in mind, I aim to customize your therapy in order to help you where you need it the most. This might look like book recommendations, ideas for new creative outlets, and practicing boundary setting, as well as asking thoughtful questions to create in-depth conversations that will help solve your problems. Therapy is not always comfortable. Sometimes I will challenge you or your limiting belief systems. Sometimes we have to talk through some really tough experiences to be able to proceed forward. But it can also be incredibly rewarding and give you a sense of levity that allows you to feel like you can breathe again.

Trust the process

Here’s the other hard truth – therapy takes time. It’s an investment in YOU and your well-being. Just like you can’t attend one language class and walk out fluent in French, therapy takes time to work though the nooks and crannies. Some sessions might hold amazing breakthroughs, and others might have you headed home to journal more about what came up. But here’s the thing – it’s also SO worth it. The more you get to know yourself, the deeper you can embrace your own emotions and thoughts.

Let’s get started!

There is no reason to stay miserable. You do not have to keep climbing this mountain alone. Together, we can work on what’s standing in your way and help you live a life that is aligned with your authentic self, truth, and values.

Think maybe you’d prefer online therapy instead? Check out this page to see if it sounds like a better fit. Also, you can always do a mix of both!