Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions I get asked about therapy. If your question isn’t answered here, please reach out and schedule a free 15-minute consultation so I can answer your additional questions! 

What is your rate and do you accept insurance?

My fee for a 50-minute individual session is $150, and a 50-minute couples session is $175. I do not bill insurance. The benefit in going this route is that we will not have to operate under the control of an insurance company– this means that you will not be limited to a certain number of sessions and that I will not be required to diagnose you with a mental health disorder or share your personal information with the insurance company. If your insurance accepts Out-of-Network providers, I would be happy to provide you with a superbill that you can present to them. If you are unsure, please check with your individual insurance provider and insurance plan.

What is therapy? How does it work?

In therapy we work together to make sense of what you are experiencing. Together we will create a judgment-free place for you to realize that you are a human being having a very HUMAN experience. There is nothing wrong with you and we don’t need to “fix it” or “make it go away”. Life can be really tough and overwhelming at times. It can be really helpful to have someone with whom you can be totally honest and not worry about their reaction.

We will discuss what you are experiencing, come up with coping skills, get to the bottom of the issue, and create goals based on what you would like to accomplish. That said, some sessions might just be processing something huge that happened the previous week. I tailor my approach for each client’s needs and check in to make sure we are focusing on what you think is most important.

How do I know if you’re the right therapist for me?

Searching for a therapist can be really overwhelming. It is hard enough to get to that point where you’re ready to reach out for help and then there are so many of us that it can be difficult to know who to contact. That said, I cannot stress enough how important the therapist/client fit is to a positive therapy experience. If you don’t felt heard or supported, you won’t be able to make significant progress in that setting with that individual. I encourage you to ask lots of questions and not settle for anything that doesn’t feel just right to you. To learn more about me, visit my about me page.

As you are researching different therapists, pay close attention to how you feel as you explore their website, and in any communication with them. Ask yourself: “Can I see myself opening up with this person? Do I feel safe? Comfortable? Does it seem like they get me?”

Trust your gut, and if something feels a little off, keep looking.

How can therapy help me?

There are many possible benefits from participating in therapy. Therapists can provide support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for issues such as burnout, depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, stress management, self-esteem, and body image issues. The therapeutic process can also help you with managing personal growth, interpersonal relationships, family concerns, marriage issues, and daily life stressors.

How often will I need to come to therapy?

I suggest clients come on a weekly basis, both so I can get a more holistic understanding of the situation(s), and also because true change and growth takes time and commitment. The more effort and energy you put towards change, the quicker you will see the results you are seeking. If you are wanting to do a bi-weekly therapy session or once a month, your progress will be slower and it can be a more frustrating process.

How does confidentiality work with therapy?

All information you share with me is held strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone unless: 1. You authorize release of information with your signature  2. You present a danger to yourself  3. You present a danger to others or 4. Child or elder abuse/neglect is suspected. If you are involved in a court case and a request is made for information about your therapy, I will not disclose information without your written agreement unless the court requires me to. I will do all I can within the law to protect your confidentiality.

When and how does therapy end?

The duration of therapy looks different for everyone. I have seen some people for a couple of months and others for longer. Some clients transition to a monthly or as-needed check in basis. I will continue working with you as long as it is constructive and healthy. You can end therapy at any time. I encourage you to let me know in session if you are considering ending therapy, so that we can process this and you can get closure.

What setting for therapy is the best fit for me? In-person? Online?

Great question! Both in-person and online therapy have their pros and cons. See my pages describing both to get a better idea of what might be the best fit for you. We can also do a mixture of both.

Still have questions? Feel free to contact me by call or text at 816-514-5470, or schedule a free 15-minute consultation call on my secure patient portal.